Yesterday,I went on a short 6 mile hike by myself, I spent a lovely morning with Jo in Hertford and we went for a nice bike ride to Ware and had lunch before coming back. We chatted about some business ideas. Lucas and Molly were at Nicole’s and weren’t coming back until just before 7pm. So I had an enitre afternoon to myself, so I attempted to hike n pod. I brought with me my back up recorder because it’s light weight and has a two button function and then away I go. I didn’t bother to check the battery sitaution before hand, a failing I have performed a few times before for this podcast.

I chatted away and felt quite positive about my conversation and managed to make about 5 minutes into it and then thought I’d check the levels as I was talking and saw a blank screen. Which I have to saw was disapointing, I could have used my phone to record but the quality is a little bit lacking.

This morning I tried to upload an old photo of St Ives for the featured image for this blog but it wouldn’t, it would upload this image of me at Land’s end though. I have at least 3 trips west this spring summer starting at the end of the month on the 25th May. I am planning on taking Molly with me for a couple of days to camping. I have been planning this through myu long dark winter an dI have my kit already to kick start the new hike n pod series.


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