Here is a popular theme running through this website ‘wait for it’…

“I haven’t posted in a while”, the last time posted was the May bank holiday weekend, the first one.

Now it’s June and I am almost on the brink/ eve of a new decade. I had a conversation with a group of young people last night and they found an old album of mine and mispronounced it. They changed the words ‘obvious’ to the word ‘oblivious’. Suddenly a new concept or album was born. Since I can’t really be bothered write music or it record anymore, so I would have to find another medium to use the amazing title that was just handed to me. Then I was asked a profound question by them and went into a long monologue to answer it. One of the Boys said I should have my own podcast…

Tales of the blindingly oblivious – coming next week.

Just going to put together some content and buy a decent keyboard because mine is pants.


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