The accidental exhibitor

I have managed to purchase a A1 printer for my work, just for the LGBT history month exhibition. When you see you work scaled up to big poster size, it transforms it. It is one thing to look at computer screen or even the camera screen and phone screen and enjoy the pictures themselves. When they are blown up to a large format, it gives a completely new perspective. I have always known, well since the age of 10, that I loved photography, mainly point and click, fixed lens photos. I did get into using a DSLR about 12 years ago and large lens, I do find the manual settings a bit daunting, in good light it is relatively easy to get a picture if you have a good eye, and that is the key.After seeing my photos on display, it has given me the confidence to finally accept that I am good at this. I believe in my photos and enjoy taking them.

Here are the photographs for you to judge for yourself.

These pictures form the wider LGBT history month I am the curator for. This is now the 5th exhibition I have created in general and the 3rd history month one. I asked a famous photographer to display his work and he came along with his publicist to set up on the 12th, they spent the bestpart of the morning taking over the reception area. I had originally planned to use the conference room and make it into a partitioned area, I chose to use the second room and attach the artwork to the walls so it can stay set up for the rest of the month.


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