3 x pi 3b
2 x zeros
1 x 4b
1 x 400
Right now at last count that is my stash. 1 3b is an audio recorder using the arecord shell, 1 3b is a samba server, supporting all of computers and the last 3b is my developer Pi. I practice everything on that one first before deploying it elsewhere.
1 zero is my XAIR mixer with connect to the Touch and XAIR18 and the other Pi is redundant, I think I may have broken it, I know I broke the camera connector.
My 4b is now my HQcamera and has taken the timelapse photo in the featured image and the movie of the Moon in the side bar. I recently purchased a C – F lens mount so I can use my Nikon lens with the Pi.
Finally, I have the Pi 400, I use both Buster and Ubuntu OS, Ubuntu runs Kdenlive much better so some reason, and Buster I am more used to. Also it is currently my DAW runnning Reaper.
That is all for now…